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Hentai Key

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This type of porn may not be for everyone, but those that appreciate the fine artistic and arousing talents, the intro presents passion and pleasure.
Site type: Pay site, category: Hentai & Cartoons, Site Networks
Complete review published on 05.29.2021
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[v]Intro promises(4)

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With wide eyes and embellished attributes, Hentai Key is making tall promises throughout their intro area. Beginning with the talent mixing the artistic flair with the pornographic excitement they seem to have mastered the art of enticing members in for a better look. This network seemingly remains loyal to its love of anime, bringing fantasy to reality while including at least 40 sites.

[v]Content Amount(5)Last updated on November 18, 2023.

Over 2100 videos about 20 minutes each (download and stream)
DRM: No restrictions
MP4 (584kb/s, 854x480)
MP4 (1528kb/s, 1920x1080)
MP4 (3135kb/s, 1920x1080)
Over 2100 galleries about 25 pictures each
+ Fullscreen pictures
Bonus Sites, Games

[v]PricesLast updated on July 16, 2024.

free / 7 days (recurring @ $29.95 monthly) (recurring)
$59.99 / three months (recurring)
$89.99 / six months (recurring)

[v]Sample Galleries

Hentai Key / Gallery #2485538 Hentai Key / Gallery #2485537 Hentai Key / Gallery #2485536 These big titted hentai girls in sexy short skirts love to deal with hard overloaded dicks Hard meat sticks fill every fucking hole of of these nasty cartoon ladies
All 9 galleries from Hentai Key  


When opening the main membership area for this anime network you’ll be greeted with a huge amount of content, and it seems as though no matter what page you venture into…there will still be a huge amount of content. There are at this time 42 sites offered for your dues, with new additions happening periodically. They have the offerings of what a member will enjoy finding, such as the reliance of votes from other members, short descriptive write-ups, the ability of streaming and or downloading clips, and images that will enlarge more than full screen – with mention made sporadically throughout of content being exclusive.

When the mind is given full reign to create and illustrate from the realm of sexual pleasure, you’ll find topics and toons much like inhabited within Hentai Key. Each network morsel seems to carry a specific niche or goal for the avenue they’re following, as some will display the wide-eyed innocent characters that are ravaged by huge cocks and hungry tongues, to artistic displays of a darker nature, where even the hues of color are deeper and richer, bearing more of an impact and making a more fetish related statement; from there you’ll find monsters and creatures, imaginations running wild as sexual attacks bring orgasmic explosions.
The ability of those penning the porn truly is an amazing thing to view, each contour, every embellished breasts and magnified penis speaks volumes as only hentai can portray. They bring in same sex excitement, along with 3D action, there are some sites that focus mainly upon the comic strip type of presentation where as others will be separate sets of Japanese goodness, with video clips carrying subtitles so the hardcore and fetish porn can be enjoyed from all aspects. The specific shading to the nude bodies, a line here and a bit more color there, it brings the bodies into a state of realistic magnificence, showing you how cartoons can truly be for adults to enjoy as well.

As I mentioned, the clips are streaming and/or downloading and it seems from those I ventured into for a better glimpse that 20+ minutes is on average the length you’ll find available. MP4 was the format I found to be their abundantly chosen offering, with levels varying between sites. Nothing is patterned in regards to matching technical numbers, some of the clips I inspected were 480p while others climbed to 1080p. Variance is good when it’s done in a professional manner, making a member feel as though the difference is a part of the allure, as they’ve done nicely here. The clarity will be appreciated by those viewing these hero, heroine, creature, bondage ravished and just plain horny couples.

Whether you enjoy the tentacles, testicles, tits or torment, they’ll offer it all, along with sweetness, sci-fi and spanking; not to mention many other categories throughout their image galleries as well. The folders weren’t bursting at the seams, in fact after opening quite a few galleries I found there to be on average 25+_pictures held within. Another find to my image journey was, I did not see a link for downloading the albums – that is not saying there isn’t within some of the picture areas, but those I witnessed did not hold the ability. There’s nothing chiseled in stone when it came to the display of enlargements, much like the display of clips, I found some remained relatively small on expansion where other pics would begin at 700x304 pixels and then in clicking the magnifying glass they continue to grow, larger and larger in their high resolution presentation.

As an FYI footnote to this inspection; because of layout being what it is, and this being a 40+ conglomeration of sites, there was no ability to get an exact sum of all sets, nor was I able to find a beginning date of origination. They offer information stating there are over 2100 clips/galleries, so I will use that for my write-up. Date stamps do show throughout many of the sites I ventured into that multiple additions are uploaded daily.


Hentai Key is extremely well done, the artistic abilities portray porn in a very hardcore and fetish filled manner. This network carries over 40 sites at the time of my inspection and each one seems to live and breathe its own niche, style and storylines bringing an array of pleasing possibility to those that appreciate the incredible work that goes into this type of porn. Daily updates will keep this menagerie growing by leaps and bounds.
Inspector: Missy
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