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Registred: 06.19.04
Posts: 5
Posted: 08/15/05, 15:21   Quote 

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"According to the German site http://www.prisma-online.de/bbv-net/person.html?pid=sophia_loren - gorgeous Italian superstar Sophia Loren dabbled in the pornographic arts before she met her hero husband Carlo Ponti. We don't read German these days, but through the translating semi miracle that is http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish - we were able to turn this:

"...Eigentlich war es ihre Mutter, die gerne Schauspielerin werden möchte, doch sie hat kein Glück. Tochter Sofia dagegen hat zumindest Erfolg als Fotomodell. Beim Schönheitswettbewerb entdeckt sie dann ein Filmagent. Doch der Anfang ist schwer. Man versucht, das hübsche junge Talent auszunutzen. Als Sofia Lazzaro wirkt sie in einer großen Anzahl unbedeutender Filme mit. Darunter auch PORNOFILME, doch ihr späterer Ehemann Carlo Ponti kauft alle Filme auf, um mögliche Veröffentlichungen und Skandale zu verhindern..."

into this:

"...Originally it was Sofia’s mum who wanted to become an actress, but she had no luck. Her daughter Sofia in the contrary had at least success as a photo model. She was then discovered at a beauty competition by a film agent. But every start is tough. People tried to exploit the beautiful young talent. As Sofia Lazzaro she does a big number of insignificant movies. Among them also pornographic movies, but her later husband Carlo Ponti buys them all to prevent possible publication and scandals..."
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .............................................................

"...Warren G. Harris ih his "Sophia Loren: A Biography" keeps a surprisingly respectable distance from such matters of Loren's life, like RUMOURS OF PROSTITUTION DURING HER YOUTH..." - Craig Lindsey is a Houston reviewer with special interests in film and popular music.



Who knew? We love her even more now."

- WOWReport -

Registred: 06.19.04
Posts: 5
Posted: 08/17/05, 19:02    Quote 

icon_question.gif icon_question.gif Is it her or not earning some cash on MILF sites icon_question.gif icon_question.gif



Registred: 06.19.04
Posts: 5
Posted: 08/19/05, 16:59    Quote 

Info has been taken from Hated-Celebrities:


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