
Hello! If you are reading this text, then you are obviously interested in our site. Let me start out by sharing a few words about this site’s history. Several years ago we were just a group of web surfers who met each other in some porn discussion board. We were into discussions and trading our favorite porn links that we found on the Web. As time passed, the number of adult sites grew rapidly, leaving the web in an unorganized, massive clutter of random porn.

Most of all what we noticed was that the majority of those porn sites were plain, ordinary, or even ugly. Even the pay sites — which are supposed to be exclusive and of especially high quality — were often disappointing.

Fed up with all the nonsense, we finally we decided to run our own website which would give the surfer honest and objective porn site reviews of only the adult sites that we deemed worthy of our attention. That's how PornInspector.com was created. We aim at collecting the most popular, original, and stimulating porn sites and delivering honest, objective reviews.

Currently there are 5614 paysite reviews at PornInspector.com and we try to cover every adult niche. Whatever your preference — fetish, hardcore, anal sex, big boobs, or any other niche — we’ll get what you want.

With best regards,
PornInspector.com Team
Montey Woods, ghost, Rictor, Missy, Luke Preston, alex1427, BeerhatMcfly, AtomicAndy

We Are XBIZ Awards Nominated!

The XBIZ has announced the official list of finalists for the 5th Annual XBIZ Awards that will be held in February 2007. This significant event in adult industry is to show companies and products that during the past year have distinguished themselves in this business.

To our great pleasure, PornInspector.com was nominated for Adult Site of the Year, and we’re very pleased with this fact. This year was very fruitful for us. We’ve increased the number of reviewed sites on PornInspecor.com, changed its design making it more attractive and user-friendly, and the number of PornInspector’s users has increased as well.

We’d like to thank you for your votes, active support and the opportunity for our achievements to be appreciated at true value!
Posted 11/01/2006 by sillyscrewy
I really enjoy your site. I discovered PornInspector about 2 years ago, and it's been the most reliable source for site reviews. After reading your reviews, I had signed for ALS Scan, FTV girls, ATK, and AssTraffic. I was pretty happy with most of them (except ATK, but you guys did warn that the videos were quite short, and their pic galleries were a bit difficult to navigate). So all in all, a happy customer. :D
Posted 08/12/2006 by Monique J.
I was surfing the net, and came upon your amazing site. Wow! What a selection of shots and preferences. As a woman, I can appreciate a good set of tits (and a good fuck!). My boyfriend will love this site. The problem is choosing.......so many sluts and cocks. Now I have a lot more sites to choose from thanks to your site. I am so happy I could just strip tease for you! lol. Anyways, thanks again and I will be visiting your site soon. Signed, a happy customer.
Posted 03/24/2006 by FleshBot
We're not just saying good things about this helpful online smut review site just because they said nice things about us (well, maybe a little)—Porn Inspector is a nicely designed, comprehensive resource that not only offers thoughtful reviews of a wide variety of dirty destinations online, but sample content and RSS feeds from the sites themselves to help you make up your own mind whether they're worth shelling out your hard earned bucks for. Whether you're checking out softcore classics like Met Art or kinkier fare such as 1000 Facials, this is a consumer guide you won't want to miss. (There. Do we get to keep our five stars now?)
Posted 12/09/2005 by Anonymous
Hello, I always enjoy a lot of adult sites, which are introduced in your site. Thank you for giving good information and sites!
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